• ++389.2.3215353; ++389.2.3215354
  • contact@gpm.com.mk
  • EN / MK

Name of legal entity Country Overall project value (EUR) No of staff provided Name of client Origin of funding Dates (start/end) Name of partners
GPM Consulting Republic of Macedonia 426.635 3 Macedonian Railways EBRD 01.02.2011 - 01.02.2014 AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST



The consultants will be contracted by PERI to operate inside the PIU for the following purposes:

  1. To review/approve the detailed design and specifications as well as the relevant tender documents for the relevant project's components;
  2. to provide assistance to the PIU in the tendering process, including but not limited to : publication of tenders, pretender meetings, clarifications to tenderers, public opening of tenders, tender evaluation through participation in evaluation committees, contract discussion, signing and administration;
  3. to provide assistance to the ST in the supervision of the works and in the preparation of progress reports.
  4. to provide PERI with comprehensive formal and on-the-job training program in contract administration procedures under the FIDIC suite of contracts (which should include the evaluation of contractor's claims and variation order procedures).



Preparation of tender documents incorporating the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction for |Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer and ensuring the tender documents will include EBRD's specific requirements in accordance with the EBRD Standard Tender Document for Procurement of Works Including User Guide (March 2010), Part 2, Section VI, Specifications and Part 3, Section VIII, Particular Conditions of Contract, 6 Staff and Labour as well as ensuring that the tender documents are suitable for issue and fully comply with requirements of the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules (May 2009): during the tendering process, arranging tender meetings and site visits for tenderers, preparing minutes of these meetings, preparing draft responses to queries raised by tenderers and tender addendum notices and assisting the ARS to distribute these to all tenderers; The evaluation of tenders for all sections and prepare a draft tender evaluation report for each tender (based on the EBRD Standard Tender Evaluation Report); Conducting any pre-award meetings and contract clarification meetings with tenderers for all contracts; The preparation of contract documents for all sections.

-      Assistance in Construction Supervision

The Consultant shall be required to assist and advise the ST in the administration of the civil works contracts in accordance with the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer (1999).  The duties of the ST shall include, but not be limited to:

  • ensuring submission of the Contractors' insurance policies is made and providing general advice on these policies, in relation to the Contract requirements.
  • reviewing and agreeing with the Employer, the Contractors' work programmes and subsequently monitoring the construction progress in accordance with contract requirements;
  • carrying out checks on the Contractors' setting out and ensuring that the Works are carried out in accordance with the approved design details;
  • monitoring the laboratory testing carried out by the Contractors' and carrying out independent testing as required;
  • checking and approving the Contractors' working and "as built" drawings;
  • issuing site instructions, variation orders, provisional sum orders and dayworks orders, as appropriate;
  • maintaining regular estimates of the cost to completion and time to completion for the Contracts;
  • preparing monthly progress reports for each contract, in a form agreed with the Employer and EBRD and submit these within 10 days of the end of the month to which they refer;
  • maintaining full and detailed permanent site records, which include site correspondence, survey data, quality acceptance data, site diaries, measurement and certification, minutes of meetings and records of all other contractually relevant matters;
  • administering the completion of the Contracts, including all activities related to the issue of the Taking Over Certificates and the Defects Liability Certificate;
  • providing on-the-job training for the Employer's staff on contract administration, quality control, environmental monitoring and other relevant activities;
  • supervising the implementation of environmental mitigation works and environmental monitoring carried out by the Contractors' to ensure that this is carried out in accordance with the approved environmental impact assessments and other statutory environmental permits.